[quote=Scarlett]totally true. And nice clothing isn’t necessary. We don’t know how many of those with premium clothes and iphones have students loans and how many don’t – but there seem to be the majority of them. Maybe those with nice clothes do eat top ramen because those are their priorities. So it’s hard to prove one way or the other, who is doing what, but in general student life seems better and more expensive and more people are enjoying better clothes/electronics etc. than when I was in college 20 years ago.[/quote]
Scarlett, it’s just a function of those electronics not being available 20 years ago. Most of these young students are no doubt still on their parents’ cell phone plan. It only costs about $30 month to add an i-phone (incl mandatory services) to a parent’s “family plan.” The parents are paying the bill and probably only paid $100 for their student’s (subsidized) phone.
As far as clothing, etc., I agree. For instance, my own kid(s) carry real designer bags (and also designer knockoffs) as well as wear designer boots. I do not, never have and could care less. They’re also far more picky about clothing than I am. Believe it or not, I still wear their perfectly good old clothing they left at my house years ago :=]
The preferences are generational and also there are many more designer items available now, as well as knockoffs than there were in “yesteryear.”