[quote=Scarlett]Sorry for being dense here – the owners is this WGJ trust – why is called BANK-owned then?
And I see no indication that the situation has changed in the last 2 weeks – when supposedly it was PRE-foreclosure with NOD.[/quote]
Scarlett, I don’t even know if the LAST trustee’s deed conveyed to the WSJ Trust was the correct one for this property. I can’t see that in ARCC and I don’t have access to any services.
I didn’t check the Quintana’s name for NOD’s. I will do that next to see if the NOD/NOS makes sense with the 11/22/10 sale date. Even that would be no guarantee as the sale could have been postponed.
I understand that you’ve been told some things. A lender doesn’t have to be a “bank.” Perhaps agents just use those terms so buyers will understand that it is an REO.
I’ll check the Quintana’s name for NODs/NOSs but you are not interested in the property, anyway, right?