[quote=Scarlett]Isn’t this odd? This weekend the property I was interested in had a open house. Curious to see it again, to double check my memories of the place,I went.
And guess what. The agent that held the open house (a different one than the listing one) tells us (and everybody else) that it’s bank-owned, and ready to accept lowball offers!!! take that!
Surprise, surprise. When less than 2 weeks ago our agent talked to the Listing agent and we were told it’s a traditional, PRE-foreclosure sale. WTF?
The MLS remarks didn’t mention REO.
I am not even sure who dropped the ball or who, if anybody lied to anybody? What is your opinion?
I just find the whole thing very odd.[/quote]
Tax records reveal it is (or was) owned by William G. Joiner Trust. The last taxes paid on the property were in December 2007. The tax bill for FY 10/11 was returned in the mail to the assessor. ARCC records reveal that the William G. Joiner Trust either purchases trust deeds for a living and/or is a front man and/or flipper for a holding company. The last trustees deed conveyed to the William G. Joiner Trust was on 11/22/10. It may or may not have been for this property.
I don’t have access to REALIST or WESTLAW anymore so will take an educated guess that the WGJ Trust HAS taken back the property after loaning money on it but has not yet caught up the taxes on it. Perhaps they have cleaned it up a little and are trying to sell it first and then catch up the taxes at COE with the sales proceeds.
Any insight from a Pigg with better resources would be appreciated.