[quote=Scarlett]I don’t think many parents now close(r) to the retirement (in their 50s) would up and go just for the kid to get residency in a certain state. Jobs for “older” people are harder to find too. So that leaves the kids having to borrow a boatload of money to pay for an out-of-state and/or private college.
Coming back to California – if there will be many more in-state QUALIFIED applicants, wouldn’t that translate in more money paid to the universities => more money to hire/expand teachers/classes etc.?[/quote]
You are correct in that it is very difficult anywhere for a 50+ year old to obtain another job after leaving or losing one. I was thinking more along the lines of the parent(s) moving back to their home state to help in a family business, transferring to a new intallation thru the military or Federal Civil Service or corporate workers transfering to “headquarters” or a new regional office of their companies. These types of job transfers, if strategically planned in advance, aren’t that difficult to make happen.
There is already an overflow of qualified applicants for CA university billets and this DID NOT translate into more admissions or classes for students. In addition, the fees have been raised at least 10 times in the CSU system in the last eight or so years. It appears to me that the two systems are trying to eliminate more pension obligations so are letting go instructors before they vest. Meanwhile, the ones that are retiring are not being replaced. One business department head at SFSU told me that he had never been asked to lay off as many instructors as he had to in 2010 in his 30+ years in the system.