[quote=Scarlett]Hmmm…The 4636 Ramsay property (1600 sf 3 bdr) is (still or back?) on the market at under 500K now. Funny, my realtor friend told me a month ago that it just went into escrow and that it was a probate sale subject to overbidwith lots of equity. I wonder what happened? I’d like to see more 1 story houses, to see how the square footage & floorplan will fit us. http://www.sdlookup.com/MLS-100061785-4636_Ramsay_Ave_San_Diego_CA_92122%5B/quote%5D
It went pending on 12/10, then popped back on the market on 12/28… then the listing expired, and was relisted (same MLS)on 12/29.
I think I mentioned, I have friends who lived a block away (Finsen) and LOVED that neighborhood and their neighbors. My son has a couple of friends over there – so it’s a neighborhood full of kids. You just need to figure out if its the right house for your family.