[quote=Scarlett][quote=Arraya][They did a study on autism within the Amish community that is averse to all vaccines. The ratio was 4 out of 22,000 when out of 22,000 in the normal population would be normally 130 with autism. Out of those 4 , 3 were vaccinated.[/quote]
That does not prove anything – Amish population may very well have a genetic makeup that makes them less prone to autism; second, many live in less polluted areas, eat less food that’s laced with chemicals, etc.[/quote]
Nope, it does not prove a thing, but it adds evidence towards. Nothing is ever “proven” in science, really. It’s just the nature of the beast.
Just as the nature of the “profit” driven beast is to skew evidence towards favorable outcomes. It’s just the way it is.
This is where intuition and common sense come into play.
Mounting evidence suggests that thimerosal, a preservative in many children’s vaccines that breaks down to release neurotoxic ethyl mercury, may be responsible for the exponential growth
of autism, attention deficit disorder (ADD), hyperactivity (ADHD), speech and language delays, and other childhood neurological disorders now epidemic in the United States.1 It is undisputed that exposure to mercury in infancy reduces a child’s intelligence, with boys suffering the most
dramatic injury (testosterone tends to amplify mercury’s damage, while estrogen seems to moderate it).2 Some scientists believe that thimerosal in children’s inoculations may even be the cause of the 100-point loss in scholastic aptitude scores among children born in the “Thimerosal