women spend more energy worrying about children as a general rule. this is extrmely tiring and may lead them to think their contribution is therefore greater. im actually kind fo serious about this. it might be the way we’re wired. it’s exhausting to be so concerned. men probaly arent as worried abecause genetically they fiugure they’ll just make another litter.
they did some study about how men let kids wander further in department stores thna women without checking ont hem…men just arent as watchful
i’d be tired too if i worreied about m y kids liek i see women fret about theirs. i just never worried about them that much. if they’re sick i can sleep fine my wife has to stay up to be able tow ake me up promptly if someone throws up so i can clean it…[/quote]
This is true. Women are far more biologically invested in their children than men are. That’s why women are always the ones chiding their children to “be careful” and “come down from that tree…you’re going to get hurt.” Men can always make more babies; there is no investment from them when it comes to the actual process of making a baby. Men can have a thousand babies and not know of a single one. Women, unless they are in a coma of some sort, intimately know about every single child she bears. Women also have a very limited window during which she can have a baby, and with the exception of twins, triplets, etc., she can only have one at a time, which makes each child far more valuable to her. There are biological changes to a woman’s body when she has children that don’t happen to men. This is why mothers tend to be more neurotic parents than fathers, IMO.
I would also argue that most women have higher standards for cleanliness than men do. While a husband might not value the hours of work a woman invests in caring for a home (they’re often oblivious regarding the amount of work involved), she feels like she’s contributing a great deal.