[quote=scaredyclassic]What do retired people do all day?
It seems like one might feel kinda useless and without social status.[/quote]
Don’t get me started on that.
You of all people should understand this would give you more time for your passions – carrying heavy stuff up and down your hill, playing table tennis, reading books (real books, not e-books), planting trees on your estate, etc…
I find that work interferes with the things I’d like to be doing. I volunteer on a non-profit board, I garden, bake bread, cook food from scratch. I’d have more time to ride my bike to sprouts to get ingredients, vs the driving I do now. Work commitments make me feel rushed when I’m trying to pursue my real interests.
Maybe it’s different as a lawyer – the sense of identity thing. But I’ve got a few decades under my belt as an engineer and don’t need to actively be an engineer to make my sense of self complete.
Sorry for the hijack… I’m just surprised to hear that kind of statement from you, Scaredy – you’re someone who has a lot of interests outside work, so I don’t imagine you getting bored.