I have rigged piles of hi visibility materials to my ebike that appear to present a danger to cars and greatly increase my profile.
Those hi vis traffic lane border tubes in the road get knocked down by dopes who cannot maneuver their giant coffins on wheels? Attach to rack, put in panniers.
…A committed cyclist can achieve far greater visibility than a car.
…I also would like a custom danger cycle created. I see something like a caged starburst creation that has cutlery pointing left and back with fake concertina wire surrounding it.
…People hate cyclists, but love dogs. They won’t kill a dog. Maybe just run the dog to the left on a leash suspended 3 feet out? That’d work. Need fit dog. I might do that. Ride slow. Tire the pup out.be nice to have a team of 6 dogs from left to right take up the rear on a leashed trailer so they don’t run into you. Dress the dogs in spiked collars
…Alternatively you could imitate morons in trucks who fly giant flags.
Why choose? WHY NOT ALL OF THESE?????
A nice ripe dead dog or coyote 3 feet to the left would really catch the eye. Obviously this one could be bad for health. But interesting political statement.
Riding completely nude could also make drivers pass slowly to check u out. Maybe just a thong with ass cheeks fully visible? I fear the sun so, won’t work for me.
Wear large stuffed bra on back to confuse people? Use with long haired wig
Blow up sex doll? 20 dildos pointing every which way?
Some of these ideas are obviously bad. Use your discretion. Animal cruelty charges are possible. Be careful. Consult your lawyer. Kishigo brand orange shirts are awesome. Can also find nice bright hunting wear on eBay that is shockingly visible. Of course, I could get crushed tomorrow. But the greatest cause of bike car accidents is….
” I didn’t even see him, officer!”
Cut off that defense. Make it laughable
So, in sum, head out to Walmart, buy all their cheapass pool noodles and some bright duck tape and get creative!!! If you really believe climate change threatens your existence, you may arguably have a moral duty to do this, immediately. See, e.g. Kant.[/quote]
sounds kinda like you want a bike that combines burning man “art” and mad max “action”
…reminds me kinda have an “art” bike project I started but never got around to finishing
actually years ago thought about buying an electric cargo trike
happened to find an old quad-cycle for sale on Craigslist for a couple of hundred so bought it
since the bike had been sitting unused for a while, had to replace all four tires, then had to machine new axials
basically my quadcycle is rideable but really slow, so figured I’d turn it into a tiki themed happy hour cruiser (picked up all kinds of kitchy decorations but alas things never got past that stage)