[quote=scaredyclassic]just got my exam. bp 93/72. heart rate 59. i think im gonna pass. curious about the cholesterol results as i havent had any meat this year, just fish…
krav maga lowers bp.[/quote]
scaredy, with those kind of stats (and assuming your labwork comes back okay), try to get a level term policy for 20 years (or, in the alternative, coverage until age 70) for $500K to $1M, at whatever premium you feel comfortable with.
NOW is the window of opportunity for you to obtain coverage “while the getting is good.”
After you secure it, you will be freer to retire when you want to without worrying about losing your (guaranteed as long as you are still working) 1 – 3x pay supplemental life policy.
It doesn’t/won’t get better than this. Congrats! You are among the very fortunate (small) minority among your “brethren” and I know you “earned it” … the HARD way!