[quote=scaredyclassic]certain tools may be very expensive but only have value toa particular carftsman. similarly, a nanny’s “value” is only relativeto the dollar value of the money the person who would have been the caretaker can earn instead of doing the care.
that value varies tremendously on the income of the employer/parent.[/quote]
Right, brian wouldn’t value the work of a SAHP very highly because he doesn’t have kids. A person who has one kid might not value it as much as a person with six kids. And a person who isn’t particularly nurturing, and who doesn’t care about the quality of care, probably won’t value it as highly as a person who does.
The links that I keep trying to get you to read address this. They discuss the different ways to value this work — either using a substitute (outsourcing various tasks), or using the opportunity cost of the SAH spouse (using what they could make in the marketplace), or some combination of those things…along with other thoughts and ideas on the topic. No matter how you slice it, these services have a very real value — yes, a monetary value — and it’s more than $30K here in SD County using any of these measures.