[quote=scaredyclassic]and if there were a G-d, I would not like him anyway. He is an asshole. I would tell him so to His face. the whole flood thing was unforgiveable. picture innocent babies, their sinful mothers desperately clutching them, watching them drowned out like rats as the water rose, for no reason, other than that the Big guy lost his temper. You’ve got to be kidding me. Fuck Him. Even if He did exist, his behavior was in my view unforgiveable, extremely bad parenting, and I don’t want anyhting to do with Him. I’m also still angry about the holocaust.[/quote]
And then there’s the whole mess with the dinosaurs having their calendars marked for the wrong departure date, and they all missed the boat. Does anyone really think that they all got the date wrong by coincidence? A-hole.