[quote=scaredyclassic]50 is way freakier than 40 and 30 combined.
50 is the first one that seems liek the end is in sight.
50 is aarp membership eligibility age and you start getting deluged with that stuff..
50 is when your lfie insurance starts to get seriously expensive.
50 is when you are probably past the damn midpoint.
50 is not funny anymore.
luckily, im ok with these things…[/quote]
Forgot, 50 is when Affordable Care Act is really not affordable. Me, umm.. approximately 54, give or take. At least I can still mountain climb, knees are still good. I can bench and curl more weight than I could when I was 18 – so it is not all bad. Vision, well that went a little bit south suddenly a few years ago.
Like you said above, the feeling really setting in that “I’m running out of time…” and there are so many things I want to do yet.[/quote]