Prosperity gospel is about as egotistical as it gets, but very veryvl american…[/quote]
Very American.
In the 80’s I lived downtown – near the old El Cortez convention center. On Sundays, Terry Cole Whitaker had services for her church. It was semi-Christian with a big dose of new age, and dolloped with a large appeal to “greed is good”.
I went to a service with a friend – she was very excited by it. To me it came across as a cult based on greed. Lots of messages to tythe to the church and you’d be paid back GUARANTEED with wealth.
As a neighbor to this church I wasn’t impressed with the folks attending the church. Rude, bad parkers, and not unusual to see them littering. Not good neighbors in other words.
She was kicked out of the church (and started a new one) when it came to light that she and some of her closest advisors were extracting money from the church at pretty heft rates.
The church motto was “Prosperity is your divine right”.