Life would have been intolerable had i not had the 3rd kid.
I just have to say WOW. I must talk to these women who have such control over men. Some guy tells me no kids and I wanted kids, I moved on. That was the case for me many years ago in another lifetime when I did want kids. Now hindsight, I dodged a bullet I was willing to take (please – no offense to anyone who has kids – I bow to your sacrifices).
I just am amazed that guys still want to put it on women as if they had no choice in the matter. I honestly believe these are not the times where I find that valid. Maybe a generation or two ago I could buy that argument. It takes two. If you don’t want kids, then stick to your guns. It may mean the relationship. That is the ultimate decision and the choice to make. Relationship w/someone who wants kids or no kids and find someone who also doesn’t want kids. I have seen both out there, men who don’t want kids and men who do. Women who want kids and women who don’t.