[quote=scaredycat]the problem with the credit isn’t that it’s too big, it’s that it’s too small and not sufficiently targeted. it should be $75,000, targeted to males between the ages of 40 and 50, first time homebuyers, about my height and weight, in my income bracket, who have my last name.[/quote]
Scaredy, excellent post! ROTFLMAO! This is a great parody of all the political patronage that is masquerading as “stimulus” or “social justice” today. There is nothing accidental about the economic “distortions” of evolving new politics. Politician 1 takes from group “A” and gives to group “B” to indirectly buy votes. Education, infrastructure and public services fail while the costs of running a paternalistic government destroy the value of the currency. The good ol’ USA is turning into a banana republic, especially California. Redistribution is a joke, regardless of if the beneficiary is Goldman Sachs, the widow on social security who gets a second $250 bump right at the time her Medicare is getting cut, the unionized “civil servant”, the suburban dual income family who just got a home buyers credit or the third generation welfare family. Maybe the Supreme Court will dust off the tenth amendment and put an end to all these shenanigans, but I doubt it.