[quote=scaredycat]it’s like divorce; once you’ve become accustomed to a certain lifestyle, it’s unfair for the judge to just take it all away from you, so you get plenty of support. Same with these people–once you’ve gotten a taste of life with a pizza oven, it would just be fundamentally unfair to go back to life without a pizza oven. inhumane. life would be a pale shadow of its former zesty self. so maybe it is a terrible thing. how can this guy go back to a regular kitchen or, god forbid, a crappy little disgusting kitchen like mine, after he has eaten in style. he cannot. it’s just too humiliating. therefore, he should get to keep the pizza oven, at the very least, if not the entire ranch. however, all the cattle should be sold at auction.[/quote]
LOL LOL. Love that Scaredy. When will Congress vote on the National Pizza Oven Reform? Pizza Ovens are a right for all. Cash for Pizza Clunkers.