[quote=scaredycat]it’s all actually kind of interesting.
was housing this dramatic and interesting back in the old days?
Was buying a house seen as a big gamble, or was it just a pretty safe, conservative thing? when did that change, if it did?
Seems like it chouldn’t be viewed as much more than a savings account. Would be nice to be able to just buy a place and not view it as atremendous economic gamble.[/quote]
It’s not just the economic gamble,I think a lot of people think that they are their house, so the more the better obviously. People who would glob on to more tended to also be the ones who would do it even though they could not reasonably afford it . People did take big risks to have an excess of house and decor. Millions did it not because they thought they could get rich from it but because they wanted it. Sure they consoled themselves with the dream that it was a good investment. People are still sitting around on blogs like this just waiting to buy too much house a little cheaper with a little more down than the last batch of fools did. Not everybody of course.