[quote=scaredycat]i wouldnt be so sure she’ll get a misdemeanor dv. try felony assault witha deadly weapon, possible prison time, maybe even an attempt murder charge from a headline seeking prosecutor, plead it down to a couple years in the pen. didn’t he have facial injuries? he could describe the incident in such a way that it could be an attempt murder “ILL KILL YOU, YOU PHILANDERING SEED-SPREADING CAEVMAN!” she screamed, whilst swinging a big bertha at my cranium. she backed me into a corner, smashing drywall (look, I’ve go the reapir bills to prove it!); plus, even the dv charge as a misd could swing the child custody negotiations his way, then she loses big time! no whopping child support payments. i think the dv is good leverage…[/quote]
LOL Scaredy! Here is how I think it broke down:
They have been having marital difficulties for months, perhaps years. His phone has literally become an additional body part from which he cannot be separated.
On the rare occasion that he carelessly leaves it unlocked and unsupervised, perhaps while in shower or sleeping, wife finds phone and text messages, and figures out the passwords. Tiger keeps changing passwords which escalates her frustration.
She has been confronting him on it for quite some time, but he makes claims that they are business partners, industry professionals, it’s work related of course.
Finally, on the night of the incident, the phone goes off and he responds with a text message. She demands to know who he is talking to and demands he relinquish the phone RIGHT NOW. He refuses. She attempts to grab the phone from him…he holds on. He says “f**k you! I am leaving!” and begins to grab a couple of things and head to his car.
She screams “like hell you are you cheating mo*****f***a!” She threatens to rat him out to the media and demands money if he does not comply.
She blocks his exit, he throws her aside and races out the door with her in quick pursuit. She has a golf club now and is banging up the house in a fit of rage. As he starts the Escalade, down goes the golf club. CRACK.
NOW, they have a problem regular folks don’t have. They are celebrities and live in a big house where there are no neighbors to witness or hear the incident, and Tiger sure isn’t calling the police.
So, he drives off, but he is in a rage and crashes into a tree. OH, and he still has his phone.