[quote=scaredycat]i am pretty concerned about paper metals assets (GLD, SLV) and have been in metal mining stocks the last year. aside from the risk of leverage, do you all think these are more tangible than “paper” etf metals or do you thinkt heyc arry the same level of risk of failing to be able to deliver actual physical metals .. kind of a poorly phrased question…[/quote]
Mining stocks are your next best choice. At least you are buying a share in a physical asset. But avoid gold and silver stocks at all costs. The “profits” won’t be worth the paper they’re printed on.
Check out how GLD has performed since August 31: it “surged” from $93 to $98.
Contrast that with physical bullion, which has risen from $950 to $1016 tonight in overnight trading. Oh, and I might add that when you sell physical metal to a dealer, you don’t leave a paper trail for the IRS like you do with gold stocks or mining shares.
If you are like me and think that Obama is going to bring crushing taxes upon the middle class, then the choice is really pretty obvious.