[quote=scaredycat]all kinds of women “claim’ to liekcertain sorts of guys, but then become attracted to dominant, confident, not necessarily nice guys. guys–do NOT believe anything a woman says about being attracted to guys who are NICE. it’s a lie! a trap! a test! without an edge in this world, you are doomed. be more like davelj. strong confident beats niceness any day of the week, regardles sof what women say. forget the gold digger remarks. it’s a red herring. nice guys do NOT do well in the dating market. do your own test. see what women go for. don’t act nice just because you might be nice.[/quote]
Scaredy–you always crack me up. What about this combo–smart, funny, and nice. Naturally funny guys (NOT forced funny, or think they are funny, but aren’t) also get the ladies. Wasn’t talking about roll over and be walked on “nice.” That would be passive and that is not attractive. What about charisma? Likeability?
Perhaps it is age. Twenty something women may mistake arrogance for confidence. Burned a few times, by the time they are in their 30’s may have a new perspective.