allan said:
I spent three years in a combat zone. I returned home after a medical discharge and have been a model citizen since. I have friends that are former SOF operators, including Rangers, SEALs and Special Forces. If we, as a group, decided we were going on a tear, we’d be a nightmare for your average metro police department.
We wouldn’t. You know why? We took an oath to defend this country and we respect America too much to even contemplate such acts.
ummm…that statement is a little scary. you won’t go on a murderous rampage because you ‘respect ” america too much? of all the reasons not to go ona murderousrampage, or “tear” or whatever “tear” means to you, respect for america is the least comforting or compeling reason I can think of. First because a country can change for good and bad, and levels of respect may change among people, based on hwo they are treated. people promise to love honor and respect their spouses forever, and that doesn’t work out,a nd while one may always love their country, they may not always respect it or its actions.
second, from a moral point of view, there are far more assuring and compelling reasons not to go ona “tear”…like…it’s always wrong to kill others not in war? like, religious moorings? like, love they neighbor as they self. or hell, i don’t know…it’s just the right thing to do, regardless of how you feel about your particulr country ant that aprticular point in time…….but luckily, all this violent capacity is held in check by “respect”.
i know im probably not getting to what you meant. but it is worrisome. there’s a lot of male energy coming back and not enough cop jobs to absorb them all…[/quote]
Scaredy: Where, oh where, to begin? Okay, first off, the OP focused on Napolitano’s assertion that gun control was needed because of the possibility that right wing groups would seek to radicalize vets and use their combat skills to overthrow the government.
Point two: I took that to task saying that the vets I knew would do no such thing because we took an oath to this country and respected America too much.
Point three: I was NOT saying that I don’t kill people because I respect America too much, I said that I would never join a right wing extremist group because of that respect. I don’t kill people because it’s wrong.
Point four: Your use of the NYTimes article is problematical for you. In the case of vet Sepi, it notes that he was attacked by armed gang members and responded with lethal force (which he’s allowed to do, by the way) and the article also notes that the number of vets engaging in this behavior is, and I quote: “disproportionately small”. So, you have an example of a combat vet who reacted according to his training, but did not attack the police who stopped him following. Did you note that at all? Probably not, since it didn’t support your (erroneous) point.
What comes through loud and clear is ignorance, arrogance and the vituperative bloviating of what Lenin correctly identified as the “useful idiot”. You’ve been well propagandized and fail to grasp the fact that your government and the MSM lie to you every day. The ultimate irony is the very freedoms the government is trying to take away were secured for you by those selfsame vets.