[quote=SandraL]I have to disagree with SD Realtor on corporations. Small business is what drives jobs in the USA. Corporations are not coming back here to create jobs, even with a favorable tax policy. Labor costs are too high.
Labor costs are too high because our housing and health care costs are too high. When labor costs in the USA come down to a point where it is profitable to create jobs here, the jobs will return.
CEO’s make decisions based on profitability and personal gain. They will make choices that boost their bonuses and stock prices because that is their job. The function of a corporation is to make money. Saving the US job market does not factor into their equation.
Corporations can blather all they want about taxes, their real problem is labor, pensions and health care. They will scream about taxes because that plays better than coming right out and saying “our people are overpaid.” Talk about a morale killer. They will yowl about regulations before they will come out and say that they want to stop providing health insurance for their employees – another morale killer.
If wages, pensions and health care are off the table – the only things left for corporations to make noise about are taxes and regulations. Taxes and regulations are not what is killing job creation, wages and health care are — but those are untouchable subjects….[/quote]
I’d have to agree with SandraL…I think health care (I think I’ve read the premiums are now going up 20% next year?) is too bloated from non payers which forces everyone else to cover those folks.
It’d be nice if government just comes out and start saying we have to ration health care like every other country. If you have cancer or some other terminal illness, well, that’s just too bad.
Of course, I’ll be upset when this happens to me, but health care costs are insane in this country and I’ll just live with it being my “time”….