Same to you! I spent a white Xmas on the slopes in Colorado, they had a record Xmas snowfall!
The day I returned I discovered two shocking events: Benazir Bhutto was assassinated and RatherOpinionated has left the blog! Needless to say I was devastated by the news.
[img_assist|nid=5978|title=(Associated Press)|link=node|align=left|width=466|height=349]
A grieving man mourns the loss of RatherOpinionated, whose thoughtful insights ranged from “Please rent this college area house” to “you are all bitter renters”.
Supporters of RatherOpinionated take to the streets of San Diego, burning foreclosure signs, clashing with riot police, and chanting “The bottom is here, down with bitter renters!”
Nostradamus bitterly rides the lift at Vail, ignorant to the assassination of Benazir Bhutto and the departure of one of Piggington’s most beloved and intelligent posters, RatherOpinionated.