[quote=saiine]The act of executing is far more important then the actual idea. Everyone has ideas, few execute on them. Even if you have an idea that sounds subpar, or has been done already, just start working on it. Work on it everyday. If you cannot do this, then you don’t want it bad enough.
The part of your idea / business which yields you the most financial gain is seldom in your initial plan anyway. Look at google, microsoft, facebook, zappos.
You need to just start working on something and let it organically mature.[/quote]
I felt you are slightly missing captcha’s point. Although I agree that execution is most important, there are clearly many bad ideas out there upon which most people start their businesses in the most crowded and low prospect areas. The ability to evaluate an idea is also important that you learn to abandon your initial plan when it doesn’t make sense anymore rather than fiecefully trying to “execute” it.