[quote=saiine]Anything east of 30th is sketch, we are a bit south of 30th and run / walk at night a lot. The hookers do not bother you 🙂
I briefly dated a girl who lived down here right out of highschool (10 years ago), and I remember being scared when I would come down here.
The strip on 30th has a great vibe. I hate PB, hate downtown so I guess this decision is more about enjoying where I live as well.
Why would you assume things will go back to sketch now that the bubble has burst?[/quote]
Do not get too caught up in the “vibe.” It is likely only a “temporary vibe” and it is hip right now. I know Northpark from years ago, most recent as 7 years ago….tweakers, ghetto birds, and police. I live in a residential neighborhood in North Park, and yes I do like it. It is not wise to commit to real estate because you like the vibe of the area…that vibe could seriously change. And, as you get older your tolerance for vibes with ghetto become diminished. Look more long term.