[quote=Rustico][quote=Rustico]I’ll have to look at your post later CARenter. I am not capable of understanding that without reading more. Is the genetic defect for sickle cell and the breast cancer the same class as we are talking about as being claimed for addiction?[/quote]
O.K. CARenter, Sickle cell is “mendelian” . Spina bifida is sometimes not at all significant physically, even though it is present… somewhat like clefts can be minor cleft only lip only or cleft lip and palate. Cleft appears in something like 1 in 800.
I’ll look more into the breast cancer thing now.I am suspicious that societal ills are responsible for it,possibly including overuse of mammograms and prescription drugs,birth control, hormones in food, ect. Not sure. And, of course,that doesn’t prove that the genetic problem wasn’t latent until all these environmental problems could exists and cause what seems to me to be an epidemic.
I am wondering if any genetic links for alcoholism might affect something like 1 in 800.[/quote]
I can’t say for sure what is nature and what is nurture, but you can probably look at your own children and notice that they were each born as unique individuals. One of the most fascinating things about having kids (we have three, also) is how much it’s changed my beliefs about nature vs. nurture. I’m now of the belief that it’s basically 90% nature and 10% nurture. IMHO, we can help them channel their strengths in a positive way, and we can help them learn to work around their weaknesses, but we cannot change who they are.