[quote=Rustico]If you care more about the deal an agent who will drop low balls and bargain hunt could save you more.[/quote]
Hmmmm…. not sure I agree. I’m sure there are some agents out there that will help you get the best deal possible. But from my experience over the last couple of years, (looking in La Jolla mind you) is that all the agents out there are not interested in me getting a deal, just in me signing on the dotted line so they can make their commission. Sorry to be so cynical, but that’s just what I’ve felt. And as for negotiating, I’ve yet to encounter an agent that gives good advice/strategy about negotiating.
For a while I was working with a buyer’s agent, and one day she showed me a house I thought had potential. I asked her, “What do you think is the best strategy to get the seller to come down in price?” She looked at me with a befuddled look (as if I was clearly out of my mind) and said, “I’m not sure what you mean, but if you like the house, then we should write up an offer for the asking price and hope they take it.” Needless to say, I stopped working with that agent.
I’m not sure I’d follow your suggestion to bid out the rebate on craigslist, but I do think it’s a darn interesting idea, that’s for sure.