Rustico, I went back and reread your post and decided to look for sales data for Sunterra. I found 123 units listed on Zillow but only a few “recent sales”. I found 13 sales in the last 24 months of sales data allowed by the county assessors website. I haven’t been able to get to work with the address. I am pretty new to looking up sales data. Do you know a better way to get older free data online?
This scarce data isn’t too exciting but it certainly agrees with your estimate of at least -40K in value for the middle of ’05 buyers. I would like to see the early ’05 data to see if prices were higher then. Where did you get the 90K from? Do you have access to data I do not?
I haven’t physically been by these places in awhile so I don’t know if identical floor plans can be considered to have identical furnishings inside.