Rustico, I have no problem with opposing views. However, if they are done with malice, as is the case with some people here, than I will counter. Unfortunately, there are a few on piggington that nothing more than bigoted, self-serving idiots. I’m sorry, but there is no other way to describe them. And if they choose to attack me, than bring it.
I guess the question that needs to be asked is, why are they so adamant about me posting price declines for the public? I am not in Real Estate, I am a public high school science teacher. There is no vested interest, other than disseminating PUBLIC information to those who might want to use it in making their OWN decisions. With the internet, the RE industry is changing and I believe, some people might be concerned. Information is not just held by the RE industry any more. This is GOOD..
Look, I certainly don’t have a crystal ball to say what is going to happen in the RE Market. But, I can analyze data and spot trends. In looking at the downside risk possible, as opposed to the upside, the scales are severely tipped, in my opinion.
Cyphire has mentioned the real story going on right now. Look at this about, Inventory, REOs and Sales Numbers. It is an awesome visual, that many can understand.