The democrat/republican system must have morphed into some kind of good cop/bad cop kind of vehicle for foriegn policy propaganda and the MSM facilitates it. It doesn’t make sense otherwise.
It would be so easy to pull the silk sheets, replete with holes, off of this administration.[/quote]
Rus: A while back you and I tussled over whether or not America was an empire or a hegemony. You felt the former and I the latter, but the one area we did not disagree on was that we are on our present course because of the “resource wars” that are driving the world economy.
I agree with partypup and arraya regarding the “Weltpolitik/Realpolitik” pragmatism combined with the imperial necessity of acquiring the requisite resources, especially oil, that keep the big machine running. Obama is no different than Bush in that he is driven by reality and reality requires our various military commitments around the world to keep those resources flowing into the US. It was interesting, however, to see how quickly Kim Jong-il shredded Obama’s attempt at “soft power” (appeasement) and that Obama wasted no time in hardening his stance on North Korea.