[quote=Russell]That’s right, the whole appease the Muslims thing is propaganda. Look how nice we are to them and they still won’t tolerate occupations, bombings,installations of puppet governments and looting of resources. [/quote]
Rus: You’re right, and what’s even more amazing is the absolute silence from the MSM on this topic. Obama is continuing the Bush policies, or, in some cases, expanding them (Afghanistan) and there is nary a peep from the chattering classes.
To give that speech in Cairo while Predators and Reapers circle vast swathes of Pakistan and Afghanistan, Gitmo remains open for business, and the US continues to torture (and don’t believe for a second we’ve stopped) is the height of hypocrisy.
I remain amazed by the capacity of people to believe this man, and in spite of the glaring evidence. “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss”.