Nothing I can do about your doubts, Dave. Good idea not to make it TOO personal. I would turn it down because although I have the “pegue” to merit such a situation and it has happend to me,I would have serious concerns about the intentions, and state of health, mental and otherwise of such a woman.It wouldn’t be my style. One rule I had even when I was single was not to do one night stands.Similar to not playing russian roulette.
You would be surprised at the effect this has on women. Maybe you would like a mentor Dave?[/quote]
Well, I often find the internet to be an awful lot like Lake Wobegon… all of the posters are “above average.”
Mentor? Actually, although I don’t really think of him as a mentor, per se, there is an older guy (64) who’s a partner of mine in a business down in Mexico who tends to give me wise counsel. He’s an attorney, very wealthy, been divorced for quite a few years. Leads a very adventurous life, to put it mildly. So, let’s see… purportedly “honorable” family guy (Russell)… wily Mexican cabron who’s openly disdainful of social conventions (Oscar)… nope, I’m good. But thanks for the offer.