[quote=Russell]Not going conservative Arraya, just looking at how risk impacts the average Joe(me),regardless of how some of those risks get embedded into our society by those stinking conservatives and liberals. Realizing risk is a fact of life, what really matters is; do I see it clearly and what can and can’t I do about it relative to immediate importance to me …or, in the case of “Three Weeks to Chaos” type false alarms, lack of.
Events like you mentioned don’t surprise me, however otherwise disturbing they are. They don’t qualify as a desperate spiral to doom regardless if they are the result of eons of unjust schemes, from conservatives.They always happen in different flavors.They could, of course, spiral, but I don’t see revolution on a grand scale coming. I think (more)international warfare will come before that. If it doesn’t this is just another hiccup.[/quote]
Fair enough.
However, I’ll keep in simple. The coming collapse and associated societal dislocation is unstoppable. The inertia is too great. When looked at in such a light, it becomes foolish to think of it as “negative”. Though, undoubtedly, will be the reaction of the majority.
In the mean time, get use to market dislocations and scenes like the one above because we are a long long way from bottom and any type of “recovery” will not look like what anyone expects.
On that note. I think this kid has a good take on it and something you may relate to. Cheers.