Let’s have a food fight!
The last couple of post go back to what a few have said. It’s the “too much food” thing. Instead we want to debate who’s theory gets more brownie points(yes thin people can eat brownies).
Just look around, you see healthy people eat a variety of ways. But the fat people and the know it alls have to be special and be the only ones have a clue about what’s best. Is it unfair to ask with all this specialized knowlege, “if you are so smart why are you so fat?”. And the only person on this blog who indicated a need to be satiated all the time is the dieter. Ordinary people do not have to be, or should not be satieted all the time, unless the want to be overweight. Being healthy is a cycle of being hungry and reasonably full of decent food. Nobody ever died of a brief episode of hunger.[/quote]
Seriously. This thread is comical at this point with everyone’s food opinions on what to eat/what not to eat. I can always count on good diet/exercise info. from my morbidly obese relative. Said relative is also full of great financial info. though is past retirement age, lives in a small apartment, and has no assets or savings.