[quote=Russell]How can you say I don’t care about poor people just because I disagree with some of your views, most of which disagreement,I suppose, comes from varying opinions about nationalism and other stratification issues that we have not even begun to touch on? We are probably going to disagree on those things for eternity and it does not make me care less. Further more, I am concerned about the poor at this specific moment in time and voicing those concerns, not figuring out how to care about the poor after some abstract socialism is perfected.
It’s not abstract socialism, and that middle class already exists — though it is faltering, largely because of the outsourcing jobs/insourcing labor that we’ve been experiencing.
If we carefully integrate legal immigrants into our society, and guard workers’ rights, then they too can enjoy a higher quality of life and the ability to work their way up the ladder. With the massive, unchecked immigration of exceedingly poor and desperate people, new (legal!) immigrants will be fighting against a rising tide, and will be far less likely to improve their living conditions over time.
Instead of raising everybody up, what you are advocating will eventually bring everybody down, IMHO.
BTW, I’m talking about poor people TODAY who will benefit if they are not competing with people who will work for a tiny fraction of their wages.