The captain was the working man I was referring to.I don’t have a problem with the rescue and shooting because he should not have to be in that position as a working man.
Sorry Allan.You are right. I am going to have to stay out of these things.I can’t stand your world view and hate elements of your debating style.Not enough detachment to get into a civil discussion about being happy to kill people, radical muslims, those who dare to step on Superman’s cape and what not.
You did discredit me with a comparision to Karen Carpenter before I made the Billy Bob observation,right Rambo? [/quote]
Rus: I wasn’t talking about the Billy Bob/Rambo line when I said insulting.
I was talking about your characterization of me as this war mongering, blood thirsty imperialist bent on world domination. Also the depiction of my world view as being totally one dimensional. It isn’t. It is, however, pragmatic in the extreme and that is based on personal experience and history.
You and I argued before about America’s imperial ambitions and I stated clearly then that I didn’t agree with having and maintaining an empire. History has shown that every empire eventually comes undone. Unfortunately, the US has constructed an economy and culture that puts us in harm’s way and largely due to our dependence on foreign oil.
This situation in Somalia with the pirates had nothing to do with that. This was a straightforward example of a hijacking and subsequent rescue. You turned that around on me where my response became one of supporting America’s grand imperial ambitions and, “hey, let’s go shoot some brown people”. Not so.
What’s wrong with Karen Carpenter, anyway? She seemed very nice and peace loving. What, you wanted me to say Cat Stevens?