I moved away from RTP after working there for 6 years and moved to San Diego in 2001. I grew up in SOuth Carolina and had enough of south, I still love the place, just do not want to live there even though my house only cost 150k there in RTP in Cary, NC, 4 bedroom 2000sqft, 0.4 acre lot. But man it is HOT AND HUMID. My wife and I were thinking about moving back to RTP area, but I was there just recently for business and quickly remembered why i had left. It is a good place to raise family in Cary where I lived, non-existant crime, you can leave your door unlocked( although I never did and never understood why others would). GOod schools. But in the end I was a little tired of the heat and sometimes the “good ol boys” that gave me some daunting stares. Life goes on.