You should have foregone “your” agent alltogether and contacted the listing agent directly. Why did you feel the need to hire someone to tell the listing agent your offer number?
The listing agent will likely go with an offer that gets him 6%, not a split 3%.
This should be the first and most obvious condition to this process for you. Placate greed, if you want to win a bidding war. You could have also told the listing agent that the 2% reduction in your initial offer will go to him/her as a bonus for their trouble (I have never had a realtor reject such).
At that point you would likely have had the listing agent tripping over himself trying to align you as the heir apparent to the knife catching.
You must think like the persons involved think.[/quote]
I have gotten a lot of REO offers accepted.
It is true that greed is a factor but I am not sure I would agree about making it a prerequisite to go unrepresented.
Some people I have talked with go to a listing agent and consult with an agent before they sign things.