You get your ass kicked on one thread and limp over to another thread (that would have died on arrival if not for your lame “bumps”), and try and save face.
You are pathetic.
I’ve answered all you seemingly clever questions over at the original thread. Yes, even the Toyota’s made in US plants Q.
You know I’m not a protectionist, yet resorting to trying to convince others I’m extreme is your last hope to gain an upper hand. Pathetic.[/quote]
Rt.66: You’re not extreme? Referring to others as hate mongering losers isn’t extreme? Uh, okay.
Your only supporter is a complete nutjob (Paddyoh) who has been unceremoniously ejected from Jeff Bridges’ website and is on the verge of a cease and desist letter from his attorney.
And, no, you didn’t kick my ass. You claim to have kicked my ass and Paddyoh (or PaddyHo according to you, which is funny on so many levels), sensing a comrade (meant in the Stalinist sense of the word) began blaring news of your “victory”.
Your facts are either specious or fallacious, you constantly and consistently conflate events, even though they took place decades apart (i.e. organized labor’s failed policies began in the 1950s and US policies on manufacturing and outsourcing began in the 1970s) and you conveniently ignore or deride that which doesn’t fit with your worldview. A worldview, I might add, which is very un-American in it’s own way, in that it seeks to maintain unsustainable labor policies for the auto industry at the risk of destroying American business overseas due to reactions from other countries (which is why I suggested a reading of Smoot-Hawley and it’s effects during the Great Depression was in order).
You can claim victory all you want, but all you and your little Paddy have done is shown yourselves for what you are: Shrill and hysterical touts for organized labor, who have a “Me First” attitude and to hell with everyone else who doesn’t agree with you or jump on your little totalitarian bandwagon. There is NOTHING more un-American than denying free choice and free speech.
Name call all you want, but, without facts and well reasoned argument, you’re just screaming in the breeze.