[quote=Rt.66][quote=flu]Don’t forget to blame Japan,China, imports, immigrants (legal or illegal), walmart, honda, toyota, hyundai, elitists (i.e. folks with college degrees), doctors, lawyers,wall street bankers for our problems.
All of these traitors are destroying the middle class.
Buchanan for 2012:
“Bring Pride Back to Americans (some at least)”
Flu i don’t blame Japan or Toyota and I never said ANYTHING about imigrants you nerd. Japan is doing what they need to do, they fight for jobs. I blame people like you. Tiny minded, self-centered, ego nuts that can’t see the big picture. You are not alone, there are too many like you.
You will in the next few years come to a point where you feel as though your job is threatened and at that point hopefully you will get a sick feeling in your stomach over calling for hundreds of thousands of folks to lose their jobs because you, from far, far away have judged them lazy, over paid and incompetent. Karhma’s a bitch.
No entire work force is like that, including the UAW. There are good and bad workers in every large company and every union.
I never said Drs., lawyers or folks with degrees are elite and you know it. Most people know what is meant by “elite” and I’m tired of trying to dumb things down for you.
For everyone else, apologies on the Buchanan thing. I only like his trade stance (should have noted that).
Scarlet: You’re doing it again. I realize FLU didn’t have his Snark button turned on, but his comments weren’t addressed to you personally. He was being snide, but it wasn’t personal.
Like TG, he’s one of the more centrist and centered posters on the board and I can guarantee he wasn’t sniping at you. You need to take what’s being said with a grain of salt and realize that most of the folks that post here regularly have a finely honed response mechanism.
This is supposed to be good fun and not heavy lifting.
And, for God’s sake, don’t apologize for liking Buchanan. He’s one of the last remaining Paleo-conservatives roaming the earth and, along with Newt Gingrich, represents a solid link to Goldwater conservatism. Yeah, he can drift a little bit into demagoguery, but he’s a damn sight better than Limbaugh or McCain.