[quote=Rt.66]Allen you are lame. I kicked your ass and this is not Mad magazine and you don’t get an “I shoulda said” do-over (not that it would change things). All of your tired ass questions have been dealt with. Be a man and admit it instead of begging for a redo.
So, now Mr. MasterDebater brings out stupid efforts like suggesting me and Paddyho are the same poster, how lame can you get? What are you 12, resorting to such weakassed efforts to discredit those handing your ass to you? MasterDebater indeed.
If I were as lame I’d say you probably don’t drive US cars and instead are a steadfast and guilt ridden import buyer (but I’m not). And what kind of weirdness is someone who claims they only buy American cars spending so much effort trying to convince others it’s dumb to do so?
We absolutely need manufacturing, period! Look around at our cratering economy and huge debt burden and do some simple “connect the dots”. You should come to the conclusion that buying all your shit from other countries is unsustainable and makes for deficits and unemployment.
Spending you time trying to convince others that we don’t deserve manufacturing or are unworthy of those jobs is self-loathing, and counter-productive to our immediate and urgent needs.[/quote]
Scarlet: Yet you don’t answer any of the questions. That’s interesting. You and Paddy have this groupthink echo chamber going on where he insists you won and you believe it, yet you don’t answer any questions directly.
Here’s an example. Go to the first page and read your response wherein you conflate American workers getting screwed out of the pensions and healthcare by US policies on manufacturing.
Problem is: The two have nothing to do with each other. The problem is related to organized labor’s “30 and Out” policies, which are inarguably unsustainable and contributed directly to GM’s demise (and this is by GM’s admission AND labor’s admission, hence the move by both to renegotiate).
You can claim to have kicked my ass when you answer questions directly and bring data/information to support your contentions that is objective (i.e. NOT derived from a biased source like UAW publications).
You don’t know how to conduct any sort of responsive argument. Instead you simply disagree and call it victory. How do you suppose every single poster on this thread save you and Paddy realizes that you are hopelessly outgunned? No, sweetheart, what you’re experiencing isn’t the euphoria of victory, it’s the lightheadness that accompanies mental illness.
You want to have an open and honest argument, I’m all for it.
“In God we trust. All others bring data”.
Lastly, speaking of American made: I work with the best American engineers, American products and American constructors in the country and the world.
Don’t condescend to me or disrespect my love of country. Ever. You haven’t earned the right. Like I said, I do more on a daily basis to support AND PROTECT this country than you. Period. Deal with it.