Roubini writes some things I had not read before. For example, he debunks the myth that commodities will keep going up. In a global slowdown, demand for commodities will decline, so the prices will drop. I think commodity prices will drop back to their 2000 levels. Oil will drop too, but not as much.
Roubini also mentions which currencies will appreciate, and warns that international equities (as Peter Schiff recommends) will fall.
His company studies the Flow of Funds reports, and he met with China’s bank and treasury officials, so he has a good insider view. He believes the Chinese will revalue the renminbi later this year, to avoid the tariffs that they might get otherwise. One quick 5% revaluation.
There are many housing bears who believe China will take over global growth when the US slows. He has a list of reasons why that cannot happen. I have espoused that view for many months, but now here is Dr. Roubini saying it too. Perhaps he will be more convincing than I was.
There are many here who are in cash, but in dollars. He says the US dollar will fall.