@Robert Buchanan
The piggington site is definitely the wrong place to troll for a whining victim of the mortgage mess, who happens to be divorced but having to live with the ex-spouse. It almost sounds like you have already came up with your conclusions and now want to justify them with an interview. I would suggest tossing the entire interview as it is presently structured – etc, because you are now ‘busted’, caught fishing for a person in a specific situation to try to sell a position.
If you want to know something about piggington board/blog, try reading the recommended reading – noted on the home page – link shown here: http://piggington.com/bubbleprimer
Start at the bottom and work up. You’ll notice that the board was noting/discussing problems as early as 2005 (and actually a bit earlier)… this is way before any ‘official’ recognition of the problem by the fed and the main stream media.