[quote=rnen]Being one of those “licensed schmuck”s I will agree that the board does little to enforce quality but it does provide a valuable resource for those that do experience difficulties with their job.[/quote]
Some recourse… but only if you have overwhelming evidence and a tenacious attitude. It took almost a year to get our complaint to show on our former contractors license… he still has active status – but at least the complaint is disclosed and the state prosecutor is pursuing him in an administrative law court. If we hadn’t nagged the CSLB investigator it would have been dropped. (She was incredibly overworked – so we had to be squeeky wheels.) And our case was pretty straightforward, well documented, abandonment.
The one good thing about using licensed contractors – they’re required to have bonds. We may never see a penny in judgements – but we were able to collect the full bond. (Now if we could get the rest of the money we’re out.)
But overall – the CSLB is not exactly consumer friendly… But I’d still stick with licensed contractors, vs unlicensed… if only for the bonding.