Now get back to your control room and moderate those comments. 😉
That is too funny. Please don’t take a poll as to who thinks mine should be moderated. Thanks for your even handedness with this forum.
I also feel that mortgage rates are going to go up and post that opinion frequently. My own conjecture has it that my timing has been flawed because of these not so free market bailouts that you have been documenting and other ‘engineering’. I have hunch we see some bumps and maybe jumps up when this phase is waning if not sooner. I guess if I borrow cheap money now eventually inflation will be my friend too..sorry JWM.
For the blog:
I want money now,from my residence,to do a lot split and build a rental unit and buy gold :). The money will get used slowly. My situation is usually a bit of a cash flow disaster so I spread that monthly out as much as I can to stop capital bleed until my sweat equity phase is through. I am making progress. The rate question has me wondering if I should be thinking fixed and eat a percent or two, while the money sits in a CD or go for Heloc or a combo or both. I am leaning for a combo. Perhaps some of the other participants on this thread could speak to the topic?