[quote=Rich Toscano]So please, spare me the accusations of “partisanship”…[/quote]Rich, I wasn’t accusing you, in particular, of “partisanship.” I know you don’t make a habit of commenting in the forums. There are a few frequent posters here who are “Dem-leaning” or “left-leaning” and that is okay. What is not okay is when a poster stated that they intended to vote for or voted for Trump (me in this case) in the primary and gets gored by one or more of these Pigg goons more than a few times by being called a “racist,” “bigot” and a “woman-hater,” among other things.
As a longtime Dem and former Dem boots-on-the-ground local activist, I GET the philosophy … I truly do. I explained the reason here on the forum in nauseating detail why I switched my party in 2016 (R candidates all stated they had plans for alternatives to the horribly failing Obamacare). When I switched in April, it was to vote for Cruz in the primary, who intended to set about repealing Obamacare on his first day in office.
Trump is not “my buddy.” I don’t personally know the man. However, the POTUS position is a down and dirty job, but somebody has to do it! Trump is the only candidate with the intestinal fortitude to do what needs to be done in this country, which has been going down the wrong path since before Pres. Obama took the helm (I voted for him TWICE, btw …). I don’t CARE about the MSM making hay of Trump’s rhetoric or how many of the Right Wing nutjobs in the GOP end up “disavowing” him. I don’t need my president to be “nice” and “likeable.” I honestly don’t think Trump is a true Republican. I think he felt he couldn’t win the election running as an Independent so he chose to run on the (crowded) Republican ticket.
HRC is NOT the right person to run this country, IMO. She didn’t even have enough courage to quietly walk away from her serial-philanderer of a spouse (after he left public office) … in SPITE of the fact that she was extremely well-educated and successful in her own right.
“Billy Bob” made a colossal fool of HRC in broad daylight for over two decades, and, like the Chump she is, she looked the other way. And one only has to look at her and listen to her now to realize that she has suffered tremendously in every way, shape and form over the years because of it. Although several years older than me, I actually consider HRC one of my “contemporaries.” In my mind, she doesn’t set a good example for girls and women. She doesn’t represent me and my values, nor does she represent the values of my close friends and relatives because she doesn’t live her truth but instead panders to what she thinks people want to hear … all for the possibility of obtaining the power of the position of the highest office in the land. Although perfectly “legal,” HRC and Billy Bob are card-carrying members of the “mutual user’s club.” They deserve each other until one of them is gone.