[quote=Rich Toscano][quote=bearishgurl]The issue, zk, is that you are correlating being “tidy” with criminal behavior.”[/quote]
Uhm… what?
No, he’s not doing that at all. Did you read what he wrote, or his explanation of what he wrote, both of which make it clear that he’s not doing this AT ALL?
I also like how you basically accuse zk of being a rapist, etc, based solely on him mentioning that rapists exist. Classy move.
This is even more bizarre than your detailed rant about the Scott Peters winning the MAYOR’S race… BG, I think you need to put down the wine box.[/quote]
Sorry if you read it the way you did, Rich. For the record, I haven’t had any wine around my house for months …
I’m not accusing zk of anything. I was saying that he posted that persons who are “tidy” could be a “rapist, pedophile, cheater and spendthrift.” (Likewise, the reverse could be true.) I might be able to agree that “messy persons” could be a “spendthrift” (this goes along with the lack of paying attn to detail) but his criminal implications, to me, were way, way off the mark.
In essence, I read that he stated he himself was “messy” and that was better than being a “tidy” rapist, pedophile, philanderer or spendthrift, in so many words.
The jist of my thread about the mayor’s race was not about Scott Peters at all. It was about how incompetent Carl DeMaio would have been (and disastrous for the City) if he had been elected to ANY local political post … yes, even the rep for the 52nd.. This is because he is delusional and those delusions would have cost city taxpayers dearly.
Of course, I don’t need to tell you any of this. It has all been detailed ad nauseum in various issues of the VOSD.
I apologize here in that I have not been keeping up with the latest CDM antics and what post he was currently running for as I do not vote in the City of SD and do not watch TV. When I heard that CDM was “losing” in a close local race, “Thank God” was my knee-jerk reaction. Again, I apologize that it was for the wrong race, but I stand by “Thank God” on behalf of the City voters, all the same.