that’s interesting about the black students… i saw a program on tv that was discussing attitudes amoung children towards black and white images. the kids were shown cartoon drawings and asked what they thought was going on. the drawings were done in two ways, one with a black character and one with a white. the characters were drawn exactly the same, same facial features, clothing, etc, just their skin tone was different. guess what the prevailing outcome was… even amoung the black children.
i suppose counter culture influences can reverse such early prejudices. but there was another bit about discrimination amoung cops that found black officers to be more discriminating than whites against black suspects.
yeah, that stuff was on the tv so… grain of salt.
the funniest thing about the npr report i found was the general stupidity of the electorate. in this case, the “evangelical latinos”. voting republican on the majority basis of religion rather than social justice. there is a distinction between faith and social justice where there shouldn’t be… the whole point of christianity is social justice. this dicotomy is obviously not limited to hispanic evangelicals…
the other point i had to laugh about was where anti immigration rhetoric becoming xenophobic caused them to lean democrat party. as if the republican party of modern era isn’t already the party of xenophobia, as if latinos haven’t already been subject to generations of discrimination, mulatto/mestizo vs pure caucasian/spanish, as if latinos dont discriminate amoungst themselves, mexican vs salvadoran or nicaraguan, etc.
but in all of that, i think of peru’s ex president, fujimori. for a developing country, they apparently are quite advanced in social attitudes.
anyway, the npr report reminded me of a girl i knew back when the grocery stores were on strike. her father was a butcher and on strike and was pissed at the company for cutting health care benefits and such. i totally sympathized with her until i asked her who she and her father voted for. guess… yep, bush. the irony that a union supporter would vote for the party of union busting upper classmen.
bottom line, you really can’t trust the electorate. no matter what race, religion, culture, economic status. people ragging on hillary based on a paparazzi point of view, for instance. people baying “sheeple” while quietly grazing on their own side of the fence… ugh.