[quote=Ricechex]Well, to add insult to injury…it looks like all of the uproar about the 700B bailout bill is nothing but a mere memory. Today, the government gave MORE money to Fannie and Freddie.
“None of the $600 billion used to purchase this debt or these mortgage-backed securities will come from TARP.”
Apparently, the house does not even get a chance to vote on these issues now.
Is this really happenning? It didn’t even make front page news. 600 Billion!
Yes. That’s really disgusting. I thought that since TARP money won’t be used for mortgage-backed securities anymore, taxpayers are finally protected from these toxic assets.
By the way, since TARP is not longer really for “Troubled Asset” Relief Program, it should start to use its real name “Credit Relief Alternative Program”, or CRAP in short.